Name: Kerri
Age: Not given
September 5
On the list since: I was a member for about 3 weeks in early 1999.  Then I rejoined in the summer of 1999 when I was trying to find information on Woodstock and Human Clay.
Number of times I've seen Creed perform: 3 as of January 27, 2002
Favorite Creed song (and why):
In America because I first listened to it when I was shaping my political views of my own for the first time.  It really affected me.
When I first heard of Creed:
From my older brother's stereo in early 1998.  I taped it and kept listening to my tape until the next Christmas where I finally received my own copy in CD-form along with the then 2 month old Human Clay.  (I did not start buying myself things I wanted until 1999-2000.  I never wanted to spend my money.  I always waited until I received it free.)
Creed concert experiences:
I cried the first time I heard "Unforgiven" live.  I have yet to understand why I had gotten so overwhelmed by it.
Creed related stories: In a checkers tournament my team of one name was "Creedster" and I am known as the Creed girl at my high school.
Other information:
If you like The Calling, then you should join my Yahoo! Groups : thecallingband and if you also like Lifehouse, then please subscribe to Yahoo! Groups : woolstenhulmebros the first and official fan club of Sean Woolstenhulme (guitarist of The Calling) and Rick Woolstenhulme Jr. (Drummer of Lifehouse).
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