Re: You know what I think???

From: "Debbi" <debbir@LAFORNARA.COM>
Date: Thu
4 Jul 2002 17:45:15 -0700

If only the FAQ and info mail that Scott periodically sends out told people to expect hundreds of mails a day.  then they wouldn't be shocked when they saw 80 in a given day.  Oh wait.  they both mention it.  Nevermind.
And why, pray tell, is it ok for you to spew venom on this list and not ok for others?  Do you have some sort of inalienable right to be an asshole by telling other people not to be?
You know what?  I don't give 2 fucks what you think of me and I'm certainly not going to do something just because you felt it necessary to tell me to do so.  So just keep on posting nastygrams about people who post mean things.  I'm sure it will help.
-----Original Message-----
From: Creed Discussion List [mailto:CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM] On Behalf Of Linda Eshtman
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 3:53 PM
Subject: NCR: You know what I think???

I think as not to get 80+ emails a day (gosh! It took me 20 minutes to sort through it all!!!) for those who write really rude things to YOU hehehe like DebbiR, you could either report it, ignore it, or send a reply privately instead of having the rest of us look @ it as well.

As for DebbiR, I don't think those rude full of flack emails belong on this list. If you really wanna screw up peoples' days, you can just do it somewhere else. I am sick and tired of it and I can assure that most of us are.

I really don't know if there is anyone here who likes to sort through 80 or so emails of rude remarks, dissagreements and anything else unrelated to Creed. I know this isn't related to Creed but I'm just pointing something out!  Jeez.