that site is no longer in commision. I checked yeasterday. Before I got a ton of info of it!!!!!!!!
Subj: Re: Creed 'Hidden Stuff'
Date: 7/2/2002 8:04:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time
To: CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM Sent from the Internet (Details)
Why don't you both save yourselves some time and effort, and go see what has
been found at
The two webmasters have put years of effort into the search... I'm sure you
can find some info there.
By the way, welcome to the list... it closes in 6 days (Monday, July 8th).
The new one is located at
You can sign up there.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Monique Garcia" <mgarcia@MAIL.MILLIKIN.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: Creed 'Hidden Stuff'
> What kinds of stuff have you found? Sounds really interesting to
> me....I'd like to know what you have.
> Monique
> >>> Whitney Wish-it-was-Stapp <creedfan1492@HOTMAIL.COM> 07/02/02 14:18
> PM >>>
> Hello!
> I have been looking in to Creed's Hidden Stuff, and I'm starting to keep
> alot of notes (I got almost 15 pages already!) I have gotten alot of
> information off of "My own Creed Prison" already and i have some of my
> own
> thoughts. I was wondering if any of you have any information I could be
> able
> to use?
> Thank you SO much if you have anything :-D!!!
> Whitney
> (P.S. yes i am new here lol)
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