Oh, and i am not slandering him. he's my freakin role modle. he has changed my life and helped me deal with my problems. I also have alot in common with him.
Subj: Re: (no subject)
Date: 6/3/2002 3:51:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: flippenforstappy@msn.com
To: Foxgirl51@AOL.COM, CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM Sent from the Internet (Details)
Scott Stapp was NEVER "addicted" to any drug. He experimented with drugs a few times and he smoked pot occasionally. Being ADDICTED to drugs means they have a physiological compulsion to use a particular drug EVERY DAY, ALL DAY. Please try to know what you are talking about before you just start spouting off slander about about a much admired Rock singer.
Geesch, some people..............
>From: Lisa Champ
>Reply-To: Foxgirl51@AOL.COM
>Subject: (no subject)
>Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 17:06:13 EDT
>he was was addictied to a drug. he is not any more thought . it was in the