Re: Symbol - Definition

From: "Linda Eshtman" <RoseSunset567@CS.COM>
Date: Tue
28 May 2002 00:45:39 EDT

That's a good definition. That's what I would have thought.


-----------Original Message-----------

CREED- Pronunciation: ‘krEd Function: (noun)
Etymology: Middle English crede, from
Old English creda, from Latin credo (first word
of the Apostles'and Nicene Creeds),
from credere to believe, trust, entrust;
akin to Old Irish cretid he believes,
Sanskrit srad-dadhati
First appeared before 12th Century
1 : a brief authoritative formula of religious belief
2 : a set of fundamental beliefs; also :
a guiding principle
-- creed*al or cre*dal (adjective)