Re: unsubscribe

From: "Hootie Girl" <hootie_girl@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Wed
15 May 2002 14:31:45 -0700

define "you all" please.
It would be interesting to see how much internet Email discussion list experience there is here.  I'm guessing that the mean can be described in months or even weeks.   AND BOY HOWDY, DOES IT SHOW!
-----Original Message-----
From: Creed Discussion List [mailto:CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM] On Behalf Of Jessica
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: unsubscribe

my thoughts exactly tracy.

i don't see why you all have to be so mean to people with questions.  Yes there are a lot of questions that seemed to get asked over and over again, but if people felt like they were welcome on here, you wouldn't be seeing the "unsubscribe" question so much!!

Tracy Brazeale <brazeale@GTE.NET> wrote:

You people are so rude!
---- Original Message -----
From: Linda Eshtman
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: unsubscribe

On the bottom of every email you get on the discussion list, there will probably be a little area that says how to unsubscribe. Someday, you will look down there and find it! Eureka!