Re: other message boards

From: "Greg Keltner" <mrfunfoods@DELLMAIL.COM>
Date: Tue
7 May 2002 06:50:37 -0500

The people, including myself, that dislike Stapp have numerous reasons for doing so. But is it appropriate to discuss that now?...or here?
If you want the largest flamefest you've seen in awhile, just post anything negative regarding Creed here and watch the earth scorch.
NP - Monkey, Bush
-----Original Message-----
From: Creed Discussion List [mailto:CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM]On Behalf Of LORI MATTHEWS
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 3:56 PM
Subject: other message boards

i have been on other message boards and have noticed a great dislike for scott stapp. can anyone explain this? i think he's a great guy. what's their beef?