Re: What drives critical people?

From: "Laura Sallis" <HappyGirldln@AOL.COM>
Date: Sun
5 May 2002 18:25:26 EDT

Stop talking about something you know nothing about, the person that sent that to you is not here to bash Creed, she's a Creed fan and has been on this list longer than you could dream.  And can any of you tell the difference between enjoying a band instead of worshiping one? You should read that Bible of yours a little more closely, maybe then you'll realize something mentioned called "idolatry".  I love Creed, have been an avid fan since '97, and I too feel that they get a lot of flack that they don't deserve.  But as much as I like them I'm not going to follow some rock band around as if they are infallible and have the mindset that if I think one wrong thought of them that I can't be considered a "true" fan.  Scott Stapp is only human, same with Mark and Scott Phillips and every other celebrity out there.  So she wasn't so much bashing the band in saying that STapp has smoked pot and drinks, but rather reminding you that he is just as human as you.

In a message dated 5/5/2002 12:19:54 PM Central Daylight Time, bmoore58@COMCAST.NET writes:

From a recent Creedlist message, which somehow I was so fortunate as to
receive several times:

"Hey, here's an idea:  how about "love to all" because it's the right
thing to do and not because some pot-smoking, alcohol-drinking rock star

said it?"

I believe it is VILE to come to a band's own website purely for the
purpose of disparaging them.  I can understand a fan having a problem
with this or that and perhaps wanting to offer "constructive criticism",
but Creed attracts more than their share of nothing but pure HATE.

There was only one human being who ever lived who was IMMACULATE Himself
and therefore QUALIFIED to pass judgement on others in such a "bullet in
the head" way, and yet He DECLINED to do so, "Ye judge after the flesh.
I judge no man." John 8:15.

And when His "followers" attempted to pass judgement on others, He
responded, EXCUSE ME?  You are certainly not following ME when you
behave that way!  (A person who speaks in terms of "what is right" is
actually claiming to "follow Christ" whether they mention His name or
not.)  "Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of..." Luke 9:55-56.

The "spirit" Christ refers to there that animates such behavior is that
of Satan/antichrist himself, who comes "but" to "kill, steal and
destroy."  Pure malicious criticism of another always says more about
the person expressing it than about the object of it.

Of course Stapp is human like the rest of us, but the vision he holds up
in Creed is superhuman.  And worthy of praise.  And all the flack he
catches just adds to his worth, imo.

These words I don't just say, unlike those that hide the truth, I tell
it like it is.
Brenda Moore