Ok, here is an interview typed up as it was happening
about 8:00 p.m. tonight. Scott was on a radio station in Orlando getting
the word out. I'm typing what he said: I-4 traffic resumed to 50 mph...and he
stopped and he got rammed in the back.
He was NOT wearing his
seatbelt....he said he got a concussion.
Jagger wasn't with him.
He got out and went to the other driver....he pushed her car off the
side of the interstate.....there were 3 people in the car....He called his
manager......police asked if he wanted an ambulance he said NO.
He wasnt
thinking straight....other cars just drove by....and he was mad no one stopped
to help. His manager got there....he has a personal DR who sees him at his
home...everyone and his mom wanted him to go to the Hospital....didn't know how
much he was hurting till day 3.....he was on pain meds for the video shoot. He
had MRI and found the problems with his neck and lower back.
He was
concerned about head banging.....and what it would do to him in the long term,
its all a precautionary thing right now.
Not sure if they can tour IN
THE NEXT COUPLE OF MONTHS while he has phisical therapy.
His #1 priority
is his son...can he play football...pick him up...etc....
He says its
killing him not to be able to perform..he's stir crazy right now...
DJ is asking about the false info on MTV...
Scott said what bothers him
is that MTV has never been a supporter of the band and he is mad that they say
there is nothing wrong with him.
Scott said he didnt want to go to the
hospital...he's stubborn and that's why he never went to the hospital...and MTV
picked up on how he said he wasn't injured....he said there is MORE than
$1,000.00 damage on his vehicle...and that his body absorbed alot of the impact.
he said MTV tryed to make a controversy
In 4 days he will know more about his back and neck
and will get back to us and tell us what is going on ...and he said teh second
leg of the tour WILL BE MADE UP. He said "We will make it up"
Oh he
also said...
The cop said there was only 1000.00 worth of damage on his
truck....but when the hell are Cops car appraisers.
He was pretty
pissed at MTV.