No kidding, huh? I mean,
it's not like it says it right there on the page the people have to go to in
order to subscribe... in fact, as I recall, it states that the band does NOT
post here or read the posts. So why the hell would people constantly be
sending questions to the band here?
And the other thing that irks me
right now is the 3 or 4 mails a day that I get privately asking when I'm coming
to their town, or why I kicked Brian from the band, or if I could sign something
and send it back to them, or (the classic) can they have Backstage passes...
like I'm not busy enough without having to cater to every single request from a
list member that fails to read the FAQ and the "Read this before joining" page
at or the same e-mail that I actually send to the list once a week
covering all this.
I've been saying it for 2 years
now, and it hasn't changed yet.... Wind-Up needs to start screening people
before letting them on the list... some sort of IQ exam or something... where
the questions would be along the lines of "name all the past, and present
members of the band, including those that are only there for the tour" and "Do
you understand that Brian is gone, and will not be coming back?" and "can you
count to 20 without having to remove your shoes and socks?".
What do you say Ed... think we
could set something like that up? Maybe have the questions open to list
members to submit... it worked great on creedtalk, and we got to know the new
people at the same time.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 9:58
Subject: Re: When is Creed coming to
<hicktown> USA? And various other rants
It seems to me, Scott, that an awful lot of posts lately have been directed
at members of the band. Like this was a question and answer board that
the guys posted to or something. Where are people getting that