Older Creed fans

From: "Tracy Brazeale" <brazeale@GTE.NET>
Date: Sun
17 Mar 2002 17:24:58 -0600

I'll be 40 soon.  I love Creed's lyrics, music (yes I will head-bang) and love, love, love Scott Stapp in those leather pants.  LOL
----- Original Message -----
From: Dgrizzlies@aol.com
To: brazeale@gte.net
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: New leg of tour

Okay so how old are you older Creed fans out there?  It would be interesting to know the general age.  I know that kids like Creed, but I think us 20 and 30 somethings feel a lot more from the lyrics, and I have wondered besides the younger girls that think the guys are hot, how many of us are there that love their music even if we were blind and couldn't see???  Let me know people!!  Michele AZ