From: "Michele Arnold" <shanesmy10@YAHOO.COM> To: <CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM> Date: Sat 9 Mar 2002 12:56:51 -0800 |
Wwf freak here too, but i haven't heard about the CD but it wouldn't surprise me if they did with Creed:) After their success with "My Sacrifice" in the Desire Videos, would be a plus!:)
Melissa Garner <starkisses_4ever@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
i heard about that wwf cd! my best friend says he's gonna buy me that for my bday.
creed~tunes~fan <creedtunesfan@PEOPLEPC.COM> wrote:
What's really funny is that before Weathered came out a lot of people on
this list were having problems with the pager and were looking for mp3s
to download and yes even some posted links to them from their own sites.
As well as I can recall someone even got into trouble for doing so.
I don't think its fair to the bands to take music that's not intended to
be given away under any circumstances but I will burn hard to find or
rare tracks if its something I really like. . Actually I only have 7
mp3s in my collection and I own the original cds to all the songs but 3
and again I cannot find them or they are not for sale.
Have any of you heard about a WWF CD coming out with Creeds Young Grow
Old released next week? While driving home friday afternoon I heard
something about it on the radio but haven't had time to check it out.
Daan Pranger wrote:
> You and your ilk are pathetic fucks and that is being NICE. Have fun
> pirating, looser.
> -Greg
> In the first place: I do NOT copy cd's, nor have any illegal cd's in
> my possession.
> In the second place: you're not supposed to be nice.
> I would love to meet you in the business world trying to get that
> argument past management.
> -Greg
> I'm not talking about 'the holy business world', I am talking about music!
> This also applies to the guys who said that according to me it was
> okay to steal a dodge.
> Again, I was not talking about material things, nor computer software,
> I was talking about music, just fucking MUSIC!
> It is funny how you guys have a tendency to take one tiny excerpt of a
> message, only to jump on the poster without even reading the whole
> post. So here is again a part from my original message:
> - It is also very much the question whether a person who pays
> 1 or 2 dollars for a burned cd, thinks that same cd is worth 20
> dollars, so that when it could not be burned, he wouldn't have bought
> it anyway. Or, he thinks the cd is that good so he will buy the
> original cd also. the way i see it, everybody should be able to listen
> to music, even those who can't afford original cd's. and I thought
> that that was what rock & roll was all about. If creed and wind-up are
> really so upset by people who copy cd's, maybe they should do
> something about the price of a cd. Just like they are not making
> enough money already with almost a million original cd's sold in one
> week. I don't think they have that much to complain about. -
> Of course, by default, copying cd's without paying for it is illegal,
> so if you can, you should pay (that's why i don't have copied cd's) .
> But what if oxygen was charged $1 per liter, and you couldn't pay that
> anymore? just too bad eh? So now you'll say: That's different, it's
> ridiculous to think someday there has to be payed for oxygen. and it is.
> but what oxygen is for you, is what music is for me (without doubt
> worth to be payed for, but what if I can't?). If I for some reason
> could not listen to music anymore, I'd probably kill myself. so if i
> could not afford original cd's, then, yes, I would copy cd's. And you
> know as good as I do not everybody can afford original cd's. just too
> bad eh? Don't think so.
> feel free to flame me (quite a good example given by Greg -see above),
> or react in any other way (that would be quite a nice exception) but I
> am actually trying to put an end to this discussion.
> Oh, and Keith, I apologize if I offended you.
> Thank you (especially Michele, Dinah and Dave).
> Daniel
> PS. why not all try not to humiliate other Creed fans by not using
> these phrases?:
> fucking bitch, are you SO thick-headed, clueless lamelist dipshits,
> OMFG (can be taking very personal), you don't have the requisite
> intelligence to BE a troll.
> There's of course much more, but this should do. And I don't know
> what's worse, someone who copies a cd or someone who uses this kind of
> language to describe any human being.
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