Re: Seems our music thieves have moved on to easier targets

From: "Creed - 7M3 - Live" <creed7m3live@COLUMBUS.RR.COM>
Date: Sat
9 Mar 2002 01:47:51 -0500

Keith Mears wrote:
RIAA are greedy! They would not lower the prices of their CDs.

Wow! Who knew that the RIAA MADE CD's, rather than just CERTIFYING them
for gold/platinum/multi-platinum/diamond status?
Are they just a ratings agency? NO! - But I'll admit to the CDs not being theirs. So what the heck gives them the right to limit CD reproduction?

If they lowered the price of the CD.  Then there would be no need for
people to download the music. It would be >easier to just buy the music.
More albums would be sold.

Wait, I thought people STEALING the music from the Internet had no
effect on album sales....
The issue is the price of the CDs. They would not go down. Just because there were more CD sales. It hasn't happened before. So I doubt that it would ever happen. regardless to the amount of downloads for music.

The price for CDs have been high for awhile. I was hoping that the
presence of Napster, and services similar, would >make the record
companies become less greedy. It didn't happen that way.

Of course not, Jim. If everyone in your neighborhood started stealing
all their meat from the local supermarket, would you expect the price of
the remaining meat to go DOWN? Think about it. Oh, and I thought it
was the RIAA that set the prices for CD's....
At over 4 dollars a pound. You would assume that everyone did!
Anyway! Technology allows for the free music.

So because the advent of the Internet has made it so easy to STEAL, we
should all forget that THEFT IS A CRIME.
It isn't theirs. So they aren't stealing. It is an idea that they had or work that is over. So it is no longer theirs.

Buy it, if you want to.

Thanks, I will, with or without your permission.
I buy music also. I avoid copyrighted stuff.

 I wasn't giving permission. Regardless of the avenue that you choose.
But, it is more practical, to get it for free.

Sure, it's ALWAYS going to be easier to STEAL something, right? Oh
wait, you're a Linux user, you don't HAVE to steal.
It isn't stealing. since it was services already rendered. Ideas already expressed. Copyrighting, is just a way to run a raquet.
The record company will gouge us!

Again, which is it, Jim? Are the record labels the ones setting CD
prices, or is that done by the RIAA? You DO know they're totally
separate entities, right?
If you are burnig a CDR. Then it wouldn't be a CD. Therefore, the record label has little to complain about. The RIAA is just a raqueteer.
Regardless to the amount of unpaying music listeners.

WRONG. The more people STEAL, the harder it's going to be to get the
price of CDs down to a more reasonable level. It's simple economics,
I am right about this viewpoint. The prices of CDs is high. Not because of the unpaying music listener. But because of the industries constant Greed.

Don't you wish that all the people who sincerely want to help you
could agree with each other?

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