Re: Seems our music thieves have moved on to easier targets

From: "Greg Keltner" <mrfunfoods@DELLMAIL.COM>
Date: Fri
8 Mar 2002 23:54:21 -0600

As a matter of fact it is time for me to process some malt and barley of my own at the local watering hole. So I am outta here. Y'all have a good weekend - even the lamers, dipshits, and loosers ;-P
One thing I can be sure of when I arise tomorrow AM....lamelist will have lived up to its name.
NP - Next Homecoming, Collective Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: Creed Discussion List [mailto:CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM]On Behalf Of Kimberly Reid
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: Seems our music thieves have moved on to easier targets

Don't they have to process those hops and barley?

"Only in America, we stamp our god "In God We Trust."   -------Scott Stapp
From: Greg Keltner
Subject: Re: Seems our music thieves have moved on to easier targets
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 23:41:23 -0600
Oh and since I am keeping fit - I gave up processed cereals (including
cornflakes) - now I just drink my breakfast. Thanks Anheuser-Busch!

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