Re: Music is for the people....

From: "Kimberly Reid" <kimbereid@MSN.COM>
Date: Fri
8 Mar 2002 18:17:20 -0600

Y'all know what?  Life is really too short to expend so much time and energy on monitoring/judging/caring/giving a HOOT what other people are doing or not doing, if it is right or wrong, if you can prevent them from burning in Hell by pointing out their crimes and their sins (unless you're a priest, I guess).  I'm very sure all of the dishonest people know who they are and that what they are doing is wrong---legally and morally---and they are going to keep on doing it anyway no matter how many times someone points out the error of their ways. That's where keeping your own course straight and narrow comes in.  If we all tried to be models of good character instead of critics of poor character, wouldn't the world be a much nicer place?  And we would have alot more time to engage in the FUN stuff...

"Only in America, we stamp our god "In God We Trust."   -------Scott Stapp
From: Jasmine Holden
Reply-To: Jasmine Holden
Subject: Re: Music is for the people....
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 21:05:56 +0000
Fuck still going on, if you only like two songs from a cd then it should be
alright to copy, why fucking by a cd for only 2 songs, but I believe if you
really like a band & most of the songs, then to buy the album, because you
are supporting them by doing so & its nice to have the cd covers of the
>From: Dave Brush
>Reply-To: Dave Brush
>Subject: Re: Music is for the people....
>Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 23:02:09 -0500
>So you should go without the CD and rely on your local radio
>Either that or maybe not buy music at the major chains. I got
>Weathered in
>K-Mart on release day for 13 bucks. Not to mention that if people
>stop stealing the music the price would go down even further. . .
>NP: Standing Still, Jewel
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Dave Pioli"
>Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 10:58 PM
>Subject: Music is for the people....
> > Rock and roll was based souly on giving the PEOPLE want they
> > record label indrusty is the last form of slaverly that exist.
> > sell muti platnum cd over and ocer, Artist, and the fans are at
> > the Label company. They are only concern in life is too make
>money of
> > work of there artist, and give very little back. See this how it
> > Label company will sell a CD for 15 dollars.The cost for them to
>make a
> > only 5 dollars..out of the 5 dollars that goes to the engineers
> > producers.. The artist get royalties after a certain amount of
> > been sold.. and the my only get like 5% of the sales..The artist
> > advance on the amount of Cd they are contracted to make. Out of
> > you split it up amoung the band,managment, etc... the artist only
> > re true money of the tour that they go on...that money is
>directly to
> > I cant stand greedy rock stars who make they money of the blood
> > of there fans.. I say give alittle back to those who made you
> > who call downloading stealing are hypocrates..Lars was talking in
> > one time that he used to tape songs of the radio when he was a
> > isnit that stealing??
> > I am not going to pay 20 buck on a Cd that only has 2 good songs
>out of
> > tracks..
> >
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> >
> >
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