Re: burning cd's and downloading music

From: "Kimberly Reid" <kimbereid@MSN.COM>
Date: Thu
7 Mar 2002 15:44:18 -0600

Umm, Scott, I have something to confess.  I break the speed limit laws on a somewhat regular basis.  Not by much, mind you, but the law is nonetheless broken.  PLEEAASE, don't turn me in to the troopers!!  Even if I am a disgusting SPEEDER!!

"Sometimes I think the world has gone completely mad.  And then I think, "Aw, who cares?" And then I think, "Hey, what's for supper?"   -------Jack Handey
From: ]\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[
Reply-To: ]\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[
Subject: Re: burning cd's and downloading music
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 16:33:42 -0500
So Dinah... tell me what it's like in your world where laws don't exist.
Personally though, I'm tempted to forward all your mails to Wind-Up and
their legal represenatives, and ask for their input.
Once a thief, always a thief. Of course, now you display delusional
qualities too, you disgusting thief you. Did you happen to watch the
Grammy's this year? There was a gentleman on there that gave a nice long
speach describing you. Of course, to understand what he was saying, you
would have had to show at least minor intelligence... and from what I've
seen so far, you fail to meet the standards.
Please, keep sending e-mails stating that you're stealing from
Wind-Up... each one has been saved in the archive (including time and IP
stamping) for future reference.
Now, for those that don't understand the basics (Dinah, I'm directing
this to you) the following links will explain why you are both a thief and
totally spineless. I don't expect you to actually check any of them, since
that would point out to you how pathetic you truly are... but anyone else
interested in learning WHY downloading music from "P2P" programs is illegal
is free to check them out. Sorry Dinah, but you loose.
A Collection Of Links
What is copyright protection
Digital and Internet copyright laws :
Digital performance right in sound recordings act (1995)
World Intellectual Property Organisation Treaties (WIPO) (1996)
No Electronic Theft (NET) Act (1997)
No Electronic Theft (NET) Act (1997) This act imposes criminal liabilities
on people who infringe copyright laws.
No Electronic Theft (NET) -

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