From: "Kimberly Reid" <kimbereid@MSN.COM>
Date: Mon
4 Mar 2002 20:12:28 -0600

See, Keith, that is where people make the mistake--being "religious" and being a true Christian are NOT the same thing. 

"Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you---not because they are nice, but because you are."   -------Anonymous
From: Keith Mears
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 21:04:57 -0500
Oh hell, this list has been totally DEAD for a week and now it’s going
to come back to life with a religious pissing contest.
Everyone run for your lives!
NP: Whiskey In The Jar, Metallica
-----Original Message-----
From: Creed Discussion List [mailto:CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM] On
Behalf Of Kimberly Reid
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 8:59 PM
Surely, Greg, Christians in church are not the only examples of
hypocrisy that you have come across, huh?  What percentage of people
that you come into contact with each day are "Christian?"  What are the
others---agnostics, atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus,
Scientologists?  Maybe it just seems that most hypocrites are Christian
because that is mainly who you associate with every day.  I am, by no
means, defending the pious hypocrites whom I know exist in great
number, but you just sounded really harsh against the label "Christian,"
and I, for one, am proud to be one.

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