Creedlisters site - Weathered reviews?

From: "Tara" <tknapp@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Wed
12 Dec 2001 18:49:07 -0500

I know there are some new members on the list since my last spamming, so here it is again.  =) 
First, to everyone - I'd like to include a section on what everyone thinks of the new album.  If you want to participate, e-mail me with your thoughts.  You can do a review of the full album, or just thoughts on one or two songs.  Do you like the album, or do you like MOP or HC better?  What's your favorite song off of Weathered?  Feel like interpreting some lyrics?  And for the record, I'll be posting both the positive AND the negative reviews, so be forewarned.  I anticipate putting this together around December 22nd, so please try to get any comments to me before that date if you want to participate.  Any ideas/ comments/ opinions/ thoughts/ interpretations/ etc. are welcome.
For the newer members:  There is a website for the members of the discussion list, located at  It's basically just a place to find out more about the other members of the list, and see pics of those who've sent them in.  (That's a hint to anyone who has a picture-less profile).  There's also a link to a Creed chatroom (non-official, same as the site). 
Anyone who hasn't already done so is welcome to submit a profile to be placed on the site.  The address for the submission form is  Or, you can just reply to me (and only me, please - don't spam the whole list with it) on this e-mail answering the questions listed below. 
Oh, and one more thing - if you e-mail me regarding any changes you'd like made to your profile, please include the name your profile is listed under, just to make things easier on me.  =)

Creed List Name (i.e. the name other listers will know you by)

Real Name


Where you live (Just the state/province/whatever, or include the city too if
you want)

When you joined the mailing list


Favorite Creed song (and why, if you want)

Number of times you've seen Creed live

When you first heard of Creed (include the story if you want)

Any Creed concert experiences

Any Creed-related stories

Attach a picture of yourself if you'd like


Background Choice Number (from )


Do you have a website?  If so, what's the address?  (It doesn't have to be a creed related site)