Re: BACKUP CreedTalk

From: "]\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[" <swhite@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Mon
26 Nov 2001 12:09:23 -0500

    Angie... you're confused.  Creedtalk is a different mailing list than this one.  They just share a number of members, that's why I sent the mail to this list.  You're not yet a member on Creedtalk.
    This list still will not accept anything with attachments, and last I heard from Ed, that was not going to change.  Sometimes the list will read certain html mail as having an attachment (perhaps a small graphic that your mail server attaches or something).  If you get mail sent back for having an attachment, try sending mail in plain text.
    Also, if you're absolutely CERTAIN that you didn't attach anything, and the list is determined that you in fact did, then try checking your computer for a virus, as some (like VBS/HAPTIME.A) are simple javascripting embedded into HTML mail, and will read as an attachment with some mail programs.
    If you don't have a scanner, or need further help, let me know and I'll see if we can get it figured.
I've seen the wicked fruit of your vine, Destroy the man who lacks a strong mind
Human pride sings a vengeful song Inspired by the times you've been walked on
My stage is shared by many millions, Who lift their hands up high because they feel this
We are one We are strong, The more you hold us down the more we press on
What if you did? What if you lied? What if I avenge? What if eye for an eye?
----- Original Message -----
From: Angie S.
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: BACKUP CreedTalk

can we still click "reply all" if we are replying to a post- will everyone get it? because i am getting some of mine sent back saying it couldnt be said because of attachment(and i didnt attach anything)