From: "Elizabeth Neef" <eaneef@YAHOO.COM> To: <CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM> Date: Mon 26 Nov 2001 15:32:05 -0800 |
Well that's is some freaky stuff. Sounds like you have a ghost. Ghosts can be very dangerous. Playing with a Ouija is very dangerous. You could "accidentally" summon up a very evil spirit. I suggest getting rid of your ghost as soon as possible. I have had my share of ghosts. I had an expereance similar to yours. I herd this person crashing down the stairs and he stomped to my room. Then is got even more weird. It was about 8:00am. I closed my eyes for a second and it was suddenly 1:00pm. Talk about weird!
"we are everyday angels" Jewel
"Gina K." <baronessbaby@JUNO.COM> wrote:
privately though, he actually changed his email addy. It is now (guess that puts him in the running for the
longest domain name!) LoL
What kind of weird things? You know, last night, I was trying to sleep
(it was 2 or so in the morning) and I heard someone come down the hallway
towards my room, open my bedroom door and come in my room. When I tried
to see who was there (I was afraid to turn on the light...LoL) I couldn't
see anyone, it was like they turned around and left. Then this morning I
asked my parents if they had come in my room to check on me around that
time, and my mom said she was asleep and my dad said he had heard noises
but thought I was going to the bathroom, or else it was the dog rattling
around in his cage. But then my mom said that the dog had been quieter
than usual last night so she didn't think that was it. Furthermore, there
was no evidence in the house of someone entering, and my dad said he had
checked all the doors before he went to bed to make sure they were
locked. Not only that, around the same time at night the window shade in
my room started banging uncontrollably against the wall, and the window
was closed and I didn't have a fan on or anything that could make it move
that was too weird. I KNOW I was awake, not dreaming, but wide
awake. Our house is only about 11 years old, so it's on the newer side,
so it's not so old that there could be sprits haunting it. Unless you
count the ones some friends and I contacted in my basement with an Ouija
board and a little seance. Or maybe the house was built on an ancient
burial ground or something. Either way, it was too weird. If it happens
again I am going to wake up my parents.
"There's a peace inside us all, let it be your friend..."--Creed
"I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even
matter..."--Linkin Park
"The space between the tears we cried is the laughter that keeps us
coming back for more..."--Dave Matthews Band
On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 20:26:57 EST Lvablemm@CS.COM writes:
> Cool. I haven't had a chance to talk to him lately. Why am I
> talking about
> him like he can't read this? HELLO ROSS!!! WHAT UP?
> I have been having intuitions about stuff lately. Weird things have
> happened, and I'm getting feelings about them ahead of time. Freaks
> me out.
> I hate it.
> Jen
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