hello everyone--been out for a couple of days and thought i needed to clear the air- first i hadnt been on the list long at all, and i could not beleive the arguing and bickering when i first came on..(i beleive (and this is not to bring up hard feelings) the arguement was about the scholar student-or whatever).....its all my emails were for days- and i just could not understand why so many were talking about this subject and this person so negetively until she unsubscribed....now please!!! i am not judging, and dont know much about the matter- i just thought this list is weird!....only here and theres about creed.....*then snl came.....there were alot saying over and over that it sounded aweful!....then the half time show came.....it was said to be aweful too! I just have never heard the critisicm about the band that some were saying.,
And i never ever! meant it is wrong to me to discuss my dislikes about things of creed but i mean it was mass mailing about it...The negetivity can be "high" on the list..and i guess it got to me -maybe being new and not used to the list- please accept my apologize.....(please dont give me any sarcasm about my apolgy i meant it in the right way-honest)
p.s. how was everyones thanksgiving
----- Original Message -----
From: Lvablemm@CS.COM
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 3:43 AM
Subject: Re: Odp: Re: Weathered
Agie, glad we can discuss this in an adult manner. I don't think an
argument will ensue, because I think we've all agreed to disagree at this
point when it comes to interpretations of their songs. But I know how you
feel, every time I hit "Send now" I cringe to see what kind of responses I
might get.
In a message dated 11/23/2001 2:45:52 PM Central Standard Time, agie_j@GO2.PL
<< I know a lot of people may not agree, but I basically felt the same when I
was trying to see this "God - interpretation". But like I said some time ago,
for me it's about a friend and there a lot of people who can be your friend.
Oh, and to everyone - please don't start another religion argue or
something... (just in case,you know)
Agie >>
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