Odp: Re: Performance

From: "Agnieszka" <agie_j@GO2.PL>
Date: Sun
18 Nov 2001 21:29:46 +0100

Mark is 6'1" and 1/2 :)  (I may switched those " and ' ,so please forgive me, I'm not used to it)
Yeah, for me he is a giant, since I'm 5'4" LOL
Gina, what's the song by DMB you took the quote from? In "So right" he sings something about "'cause tomorrow we may die", but those are not the same lyrics like in your quote.
NP: Cake - "I will survive"
----- Original Message -----
From: Gina K.
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: Performance

Just wondering...how tall is Mark? He looked like a giant...or maybe it's
just me...LoL

I do have to agree with you though, Scott sounded off there. But you have
to remember they have NO time to warm up and play not-so-important songs
before they play the one everyone knows so it sounds perfect, yanno? I
think in concert they would be MUCH better because they could do all of
the above...though I can't speak from experience, b/c I've never seen
them live.   :o(  But I hope to on their next tour!    :o)  I've heard
too many people say how awesome they are in concert so I am not going to
judge them based off of one bad performance (and I only use "bad" for the
lack of a better term, PLEASE don't flame me for that, LoL).

Just my $0.02--

"Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die."--Dave Matthews Band
"There's a peace inside us all, let it be your friend..."--Creed

NP: Saliva, "Click Click Boom"