Odp: Re: FINE

From: "Agnieszka" <agie_j@GO2.PL>
Date: Sun
18 Nov 2001 10:12:15 +0100

I think the times are changing. In 1957 no one would even thought about having a child and not being married. Well, I'm sure there were situations like that, but it was still kind of disgrace for the woman. And today - no one actually cares about it, it became normal.You know...it's just how you were brought up and what is your view about way of life I guess. Anyway, I hope to get married and have a child (children), but we will see what time brings...

~maybe if we are surrounded in beauty, someday we will become what we see~ jewel

----- Original Message -----
From: Creed - 7M3 - Live
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: FINE

So the folks back in 1957 were moral? but it is immoral to be married,
straight, etc. Since it is 2001.

Do morals have a two year life cycle also?
