you have the audacity to say to be thoughtful after that disturbing, uneducated post! your parents passing did not teach you how preciouse people are and life is? how letting your opinion out is different than just being plan rude, just because you don't have the success or lifestyle does not mean it is ok to bash the people who do, you can say anything you want about creed or there music but you know as well as i do that they are talented. people can never be happy for someone elses success just be pissed off that it wasent theres..THAT IS SAD! scott, mark and scott p. worked hard to get were they are by appriciating people and all there qulities, by respecting other peoples way of living and creative out put , and by doing so they got into the business and became a success, not just for there talent but there personality, somthing you don't know much about, which is why you will not be successfull in life, which is why you are such a hatefull little man!