Re: Bullets or My Sacrifice?

From: "Madeline WIlliams" <Immad4creed@AOL.COM>
Date: Sat
27 Oct 2001 09:46:35 EDT

I like My Sacrifice...I LOVE Bullets...I think it ROCKS!!!

As for songs playing on the should move to Orlando, they've been playing both songs on WJRR


In a message dated 10/22/2001 9:01:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, flower_power41@JUNO.COM writes:

My Sacrifice only because I haven't heard Bullets yet (thank you, thank
you, THANK YOU, Cleveland radio stations for playing My Sacrifice, even
though I've only heard it 3 times!!!  LoL). And through no fault of my
own--my parents REFUSE to go beyond Juno Free E-Mail, meaning we don't
have Internet access here. Arrrrrgggghhh I wish my parents would outgrow
the Stone Age already!   :o)

---{@ Gina @}---