Not to nitpick, but I think you may
have misunderstood NightStorm's post... I asked (nicely, or at least I thought
so) that the personal e-mails be kept private, rather than going to the list,
and explained the reasoning behind the request... Jo/RJ saw that as my "acting
like I own the list" (which if I did, I'd be charging a monthly subscription
fee! ;))... and NightStorm defended me, explaining further the reasoning
behind the post I made. We all know that non-Creed related topics happen
quite regularly, and that at any given time, there are going to be several
active list members who have a problem with it. I do agree with your
statement about pressing "reply" rather than "reply all" for messages that are
directed to only one person, and wouldn't be of interest to the rest of the list
members. However, I think most of us are guilty of posting individual
replies to the entire list at least once or twice, especially back when we were
still new to the list. And as far as not meeting people off of discussion
lists/e-mail/computers in general... well, many of the people on this list know
that my fiancé and I met online; in addition, there are several list members
with whom we have tentative plans to meet someday. I've met a couple of
people from this list already, in fact, and I know there are at least a couple
others who have also met other listers. Friendships ARE formed on this
list, friendships which might not have occurred were the Creed-content only rule
strictly enforced.
It's not my intent to fight with
anyone, I was just trying to offer a little friendly advice originally, but I
wanted to clear up the meaning of NightStorm's post before HE gets
*sprinkling happy peace dust on all
the listers*
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 10:40
Subject: Re: Bullets?
I completely agree with NightStorm. This is a CREED
DISCUSSION LIST. CREED. That means we discuss things about CREED!
This is not an e-mail chat room. If you just want to say hi to
someone on the CREED list, then just press REPLY, NOT REPLY ALL!! IT'S
NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT! Don't annoy us with your stupid, pointless
discussions. I repeat CREED DISCUSSION LIST. This list was not
made for people to socialize about NOTHING! Why would you anyway?
You're most likely never going to meet that person, so whats the point?
We don't have to welcome every newbie that comes to this list.
They shouldn't be coming to the list if they're going to get upset
because the people that they don't even know, won't ask them how their day
went. Thats what instant messaging is for. One quick question, who
the hell is this RJ guy anyway?