Re: Bullets?

From: <Hounddog234@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue
23 Oct 2001 22:40:56 EDT

I completely agree with NightStorm.  This is a CREED DISCUSSION LIST.  CREED.  That means we discuss things about CREED!  This is not an e-mail chat room.  If you just want to say hi to someone on the CREED list, then just press REPLY, NOT REPLY ALL!!  IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT!  Don't annoy us with your stupid, pointless discussions.  I repeat CREED DISCUSSION LIST.  This list was not made for people to socialize about NOTHING!  Why would you anyway?  You're most likely never going to meet that person, so whats the point?  We don't have to welcome every newbie that comes to this list.  They shouldn't be coming to the list if they're going to get upset because the people that they don't even know, won't ask them how their day went.  Thats what instant messaging is for.  One quick question, who the hell is this RJ guy anyway?

In a message dated 10/23/01 9:03:46 PM Central Daylight Time, swhite@TUCKER-USA.COM writes:

So if we like the song then it's okay to post, but if we don't like it and
wish to share our reason's why, in the form of a long write-up, then we
should keep it to ourselves?
Thanks for the input.  Good to know that you, who has never before posted on
this list, feels that one line posts filling up the 500 message limit are
better than actual write-ups to back a comment.
I think that the reason lurkers don't post has nothing to do with how much
someone types in a mail to the list... and if that IS a case, then the
person obviously has no place on a high-volume list anyway.
Plus, if we were to welcome every single person that ever joined here, there
wouldn't be any room left for actual Creed-related posts... and if a person
feels so put off because they don't say they're new, and then don't get 500
messages from people welcoming them, then perhaps they should seek out some
more physical contact with people than over a computer.
Oh... and when someone who has been on the list for 3 years points out
something that was discovered 2 years ago, it's not always the best way to
make a first impression to everyone by attacking that person.  Obviously,
you failed to read the R&R page when you signed up, and I suggest before you
attack someone again for pointing out pre-set rules for here, you actually
go and take a look for yourself to make sure that the person isn't "acting
like they own the list".
Oops... I posted more than one line... I guess I shouldn't send it now,

Nathan A. Hand