Re: 'My Sacrifice' Inspiration .. contradiction

From: <Bklynbaby727@AOL.COM>
Date: Sun
14 Oct 2001 21:05:48 EDT

In a message dated 10/14/2001 5:26:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, flower_power41@JUNO.COM writes:

Well, to be totally honest, I haven't really found much "positive" tone
in Staind's lyrics. But I must say that I have found TONS of meaningful
words in their songs as well as things that I can relate to my life at
certain times (especially after a bad day...LoL). I don't think you're
reading into them too much, I just think that we're interpreting them
differently.    :o)

---{@ Gina @}---

Well I think the positivity I find in their lyrics, is one of accepting all that is wrong with your life, and moving on from there, not letting them hold you back or destroy your life.  Also, what you said about relating to the lyrics is very true, it's kinda like when you feel like the whole world is against you, you can listen to their lyrics and realize you're not alone in your angst.  It's like saying shit happens to us all, just don't let it get the best of you.  Of course I got that vibe more from Break the Cycle than from Dysfunciton.  Dysfunction, to me, is more about realizing what things in your life that are bringing you down, and being confused as to how to deal with it, that's where the anger would stem from.  Okay I'll stop here, I believe I've already said too much

We walk a tightrope between life and death, everyday we live taking for granted each breath