NCR radio
WAS:Re: 'My Sacrifice' Inspiration .. contradiction

From: "Agnieszka" <agie_j@GO2.PL>
Date: Sun
14 Oct 2001 10:49:26 +0200

I guess it'a a "world" problem LOL. I agree, I also don't like playlists. Let the dj come and play what he wants. And why someone decides, that THIS particular song gets airplay and is played 10 times a day for example.  I'm a person more "rock - orientated" lol, but still like to listen to other music. We don't have rock, pop, or black music formats in Poland, but radio right now looks like - all pop. They won't play anything rock, because it's too hard and people turn off the radio (they think)...They won't play much new (or not so well-known) bands, because they can play The Beatles (no offense, just an example),a lot of people know it, like it better, so *why should I play Virgos Merlot* (example). That's wrong in my opinion. I may like something else, that I even have never heard of before. I don't know...some folk music from Africa, may be interesing, huh? I would like to have a choice.
About the djs -  one likes rock, so let him play rock, the other jazz, next soul, etc. You have the diversity.You can write to them and give your opinions, telling what you would like to hear more or so. They talk to you.You can have just a little input. I think it's cool. It's all about people. Not about the money.
I don't hate pop, I like some of this music. It's just the pop music has a tough time right now, it's more how do you look like, if the video is good, etc. The skills are not so much important anymore - if you can sing live, has something interesting to say. Although there are some interesting pop bands. Unfortunately one of them, which I like (Savage Garden) no longer exists...
----- Original Message -----
From: Keith P. Mears
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2001 6:31 AM
Subject: Re: 'My Sacrifice' Inspiration .. contradiction

This is true, but I really do think radio has just continued to get worse and worse for years now.  There ARE exceptions, your K Rock being one of them, along with about a half dozen others that come immediately to mind, including MY local, X103.  But a perfect example of what I mean is the very station I just mentioned.  Five years ago, I would have put X103 at the VERY top of my list.  They flat-out ROCKED, playing ALL genres of rock music.  And there was NO PLAYLIST.  The DJ's played what THEY wanted to play, not what some "suit" TOLD them to play.  Now, they play mostly what they HAVE to, with some "free play" thrown in just so we know there's an actual person in the studio.  Granted, ROCK radio doesn't suck NEARLY as much as POP radio, but it's still pretty damn lame.
BTW, those on my list, feel free to take the debate up with me there as well!  I'm getting pretty good at this shameless plugging!