NCR: Kylie

From: "Agnieszka" <agie_j@GO2.PL>
Date: Fri
5 Oct 2001 20:58:43 +0200

Hey, no problem with that. I don't like dance music and Kylie much, but
in my opinion her new song is the best thing, that she has actually  done. Maybe not neccessary giving awards for that though. It's a catchy dance music and I admit I'm starting to like it, since I keep hearing it  all the time, everywhere around here. Yeah, it's Europe...
Debbie, have you heard about a band called Something For Kate ? They're from Australia.

----- Original Message -----
From: blue
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: Odp: Re: where the heck is everyone?/'come together'tribute

Last night, here in Australia we had our annual music awards and Kylie 
Monologue won 3 ARIAS. Unbelievable that anybody would listen to that
crap! Unfortunately it looks like the Singing Budgie has returned!
(Sorry, I had to get that off my chest, I am a great defender of Aussie
music - but her stuff is pure unadulterated rubbish!).
