From: "Keith P. Mears" <kthulu@COMTECK.COM> To: <CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM> Date: Wed 12 Sep 2001 01:01:40 -0500 |
----- Original Message -----From: Bklynbaby727@aol.comSent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 12:54 AMSubject: Re: to everyone in new yorkIn a message dated 09/12/2001 1:40:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
kthulu@COMTECK.COM writes:
You miss the point, Jess. If she hadn't been told in so many words to fuck
off herself, she wouldn't have felt the NEED to reply with "fuck you all".
As I've mentioned, I speak to Debbi EVERY NIGHT, and she may be the LEAST
confrontational person I know, but even she has her breaking point. I
can't believe this is so difficult to figure out.
Well the rest of us have our breaking points too, and I think I'm pretty much
at mine. And I'm probably not the only one. now you have your opinions and I
have mine so I'm going to leave it at that cuz at this point I'm not really
in the mood to disagree with anyone, especially not about something like
this. At this point I'm understanding why she felt such harsh words were
necessary cuz right now I feel like using plenty of them but refrain because
I know no one deserves them, not on this list anyway. My world along with
many others' has basically fallen apart and not to sound too insensitive but
I really can't be dealing with whether Debbi was wrong or right, it doesn't
matter now. I'm sorry if anyone senses some hostility in this email, I really
don't mean to seem upset at anyone, I'm just having a really tough time
coping with what's going on here, as I'm sure many others are.