Also in NY

Date: Tue
11 Sep 2001 18:14:47 EDT

     I also live in New York, but I live 25 miles away from the city and
you could see the twin towers from across the bay, when we looked out the
window of our high school cafeteria today all we could see from the city was
huge clouds of smoke rising into the air. In some of my classes today we had
the radio and myself & others sat there and tried not to cry as we heard was
the radio people had to say. The school didn't announce what was happening in
the city, we heard the news from word of mouth and our teachers. Which was
horrible b/c we didn't know if we were hearing rumors or the truth. I hope
the people I know are safe and going to come home soon b/c I may of my
friends parents work in the city, and I hope that if anyone has family that
works or lives in the city that they are ok.

                                                                  - Tanya