Creed list members website

From: "Tara" <tknapp@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Tue
28 Aug 2001 23:45:02 -0400

Alright, here goes... if you want your info on the new Creed Listers website, e-mail any or all of the following to
Creed List Name (i.e. the name other listers will know you by)
Real Name
Where you live (Just the state/province/whatever, or include the city too if you want)
Favorite Creed song (and why, if you want)
Number of times you've seen Creed live
When you first heard of Creed (include the story if you want)
When you joined the mailing list
Any Creed concert experiences
Any Creed-related stories
Attach a picture of yourself
Also, feel free to include any ideas you have to improve the site, favorite pics of the band, pics of you with the band (*waves to Ross*), and/or any other information you'd like to see on the site, either about you or just on the site in general.
Assuming I get enough responses to this post, I'll start building the page tomorrow afternoon.