================================================ Subject: Re: Jim was Right just out of date From: "Creed - 7M3 - Live" To: Date: Tue 14 Aug 2001 13:50:28 -0400 ================================================ Thanks Scott for the find. As I stated earlier,I wasn't out to spread rumors. Good thing that the plans were put on hold. I'll have to try that particular search engine!! For further comments, refer to fortune at bottom of message. Jim ]\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[ wrote: > Jim was correct in his statement that Microsoft was planning on > releasing XP on a subscription basis... but his source (yep... he had a > real true to life source) was outdated. Happens to all of us at > times... a lot of sites don't include a date that an article is posted. > But it appears that at some point Microsoft WAS considering selling XP > on a subscription basis, but later axed the idea (dodged the suicide > attempt, is my guess). > > http://www.insiderreports.com/StoryPage.ASP_Q_ChanID_E_SO_A_StoryID_E_20001666 covers > the part about the idea being left on the cutting room floor (for now, > it says, but again, this article might be rather old). > > So, why don't you all get off his back and move on with your lives... he > had a source, he was sharing valid info he found online, and as he said, > he had read it long enough ago that he could not remember exactly where > (you think YOU could remember a URL like that?) so admit that he was at > least partially right, and lets get on to a better subject... only 3 > months and 8 days to go, right? Lets see if we can go that long without > F***ING KILLING EACHOTHER... deal? Although, I HAVE bled a lot so far > tonight... so getting a little more on my shirt wouldn't matter too much > (it's red already, anyways)... *smirk* > > > > ¤]\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[¤ (who is, omg, moving on with his life) > http://NightStorm.isyourgod.com/ > NightStorm_Draco_@hotmail.com > NightStorm_Draco@creedlist.com > NightStorm@isyourgod.com > I've seen the wicked fruit of your vine, Destroy the man who lacks a > strong mind > Human pride sings a vengeful song Inspired by the times you've been > walked on > My stage is shared by many millions, Who lift their hands up high > because they feel this > We are one We are strong, The more you hold us down the more we press on > What if you did? What if you lied? What if I avenge? What if eye for an eye? > -- When the leaders speak of peace The common folk know That war is coming When the leaders curse war The mobilization order is already written out. Every day, to earn my daily bread I go to the market where lies are bought Hopefully I take my place among the sellers. -- Bertolt Brecht, "Hollywood" To unsubscribe or change your preferences for the Creed-Discuss list, visit: http://www.winduplist.com/ls/discuss/form.asp