Re: Christian Music

From: "Heather Brickey" <heather_2225@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Tue
31 Jul 2001 22:10:57 -0500

That is a great point Karen! I think that some will refer you as a Christian but maybe just maybe if you are really well known as creed it will be the other way around and everyone will know you are just searching right now. or at least that is what I get from creed anyways. Good Luck! I hope you don't get labeled! ~Heather Ann~
----- Original Message -----
From: Karen Teichmann
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: Christian Music

I think what makes u a Christian band is the lyrics u sing and the way u
believe.  Even if u aren't preaching the Gospel in ur songs, u can still
a Christian message across.

Christian Bands have agendas to make people believe...if you are singing
about trying to find something in your life doesn't make you a Christian...I
use reference to God in my songs, but I'm not a Christian, so if my songs get
out, I'm going to be "labeled" Christian because of my lyrics?????
Many bands reference God in their songs and they aren't a "CHRISTIAN BAND"