Staind didnt change one bit they made a couple softer songs. But if u really
listen to dysfunction then you will see its the same way there are a couple
softer songs some regular ones and then some really heavy ones they just
realeased a softer one for this cd. Wouldnt you i mean if theres more money
in that and you dont have to change your music y not. if staind sold out it
would have to be from there first cd "tormented" . Im not sure if you are
familiare with it but it was realeased when they were a local band here in
boston. It was heavier and there best cd. If you want that cd i think its
availible on stainds website. So dont call staind a sellout after hearing one
song of the cd! Buy that cd or download some of ov audiogalaxy or limewire. I
guarantee you will like it!