From: "Jon" <jsedwards25@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Wed
18 Jul 2001 13:07:07 -0700

You're correct, I did to make a point.  I saw no need to email you further, since I figured you'd blocked that address and, really, you're not really worth the trouble to mail from yet another address.  My point was sufficiently made.  Incidentally, you'd be surprised what some of your friends here actually thought of that. 
There's really not much of a story to tell.  You sent me private mail that was snarky, so I replied.  I found myself blocked, which I thought was pretty chicken-little of you, so I sent you mail from my primary mail account from home.  You sent another mail to have the last word, so I let you have it.  Again, my point was made.  You'd be better off deleting or not responding than blocking, because there are simple ways around blocking.
Did I miss anything?  Or would you like to say that's not what happened -- kind of like that whole thread you had where you started accusing someone of saying things he didn't, or just taking everything he said out of context (I've still not gone through the stack 'o' mails that Scott forwarded, but I will get to that in due time.)
Oh, and if you wouldn't mind, I just ate lunch so if you could make sure that you only reply once (i.e., send mail either to me privately or the list, but not both) -- I can handle mails from you in small doses (one at a time) but two or more....well....I suppose I can make an exception because AOL, but still....
----- Original Message -----
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:55 PM
Subject: Re:

In a message dated 07/18/2001 3:25:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
jsedwards25@HOTMAIL.COM writes:

I mean, that's fine and all that, but it seems a waste to block him
personally if you're going to reply to him.  It's kind of the same as when
Jess blocked me, yet insisted on sending me snide private mails.  Of
course, you don't annoy me as Jess does :)

oh yeah genius you forgot you still emailed me from a different addy that has
not been blocked, I replied to you but funny enough, I've gotten no reply.  
Guess you wanna try to look good on the list. So don't act like you have no
way of replying to me privately, of course it would be deleted but feel free
to give it a go. Next time, try telling the whole story.