For Mad: Re: Compromise

From: "Jon" <jsedwards25@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Fri
13 Jul 2001 08:10:04 -0700

Episode I: The AOL Menace
That's not a comment on you, Mad, just AOL itself. 

And Keith just likes to argue.  He gets it from Debbi.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mad4creedsmbs@AOL.COM
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: A Compromise

All I am asking is that the subject lines be changed/altered to reflect the
content within.  Why is that a problem? How is that "moderating".  As I see
it, it's simple common courtesy...that way, the rest of us do not need to be
subjected to posts we are not interested in.  How are we supposed to know
that the content of a certain thread has changed if no one bothers to change
the subject line?

You suggested that I delete posts I am not interested in can I
do that if I don't know what it's about until I actually read the post?  
Kindda defeats the purpose doesn't it??

I'm beginning to understand that you just like to argue!
