================================================ Subject: Re: I spent two hours with Scott today! From: "Creed - 7M3 - Live" To: Date: Wed 11 Jul 2001 22:36:40 -0400 ================================================ Thanks for the reply Mad. About the read the fortune. The signatures of my posts is from a fortune program. It was about pre-thinking out a list. Just a silly one line sig line on that particular posting. Mad4creedsmbs@aol.com wrote: > Jim, I know we can;t talk about Creed all the time...if you remember, that > was a battle I often led...but my concern is that there is almost no > mention of Creed on the Creed List anymore. I realize that they are just now going > into the studios and there may not be a great deal to discuss, but it seems > to me that anytime someone mentions anything about Creed, the thread is > responded to by maybe two or three people and then it dies...unless of > course someone fines someting to argue about within that post, then it is > responded to by thirty people. > I understand the frustration with going onto a Creed list and expecting to read Creed related postings on the list. But i think that since the list was moved to a "new neighborhood" (Winduplist). It needed to go through some getting aquainted with each other. When they first started this list. There was over 1000 people on the list. A lot of them seemed to of not known how to get off of the other list and were on digest mode. But when the new list started up. after a few days of silence. The previous digest people sure knew it. In fact, I was in digest mode on the old list. Since the Creed content was so little and I was doing other things. As soon as this list went live. There was a whole stream of Get me off. Unsubkrib me and the like posts. I agree that it doesn't make any sense that even when there is something to reply to Creedwise. The threads often die out. I think it is because people are people and are unpredictable. Except that a few of the listers replied to the post and predicted the demise of the thread. They sure did die out quickly. > My point is that it doesn't make any sense! I agree with it not making any sense though. > > BTW...I have no idea what "PS - Read the fortune" means?? > > -Mad > Bottom of message quotes. -- "What people have been reduced to are mere 3-D representations of their own data." -- Arthur Miller To unsubscribe or change your preferences for the Creed-Discuss list, visit: http://www.winduplist.com/ls/discuss/form.asp