Odp: Re: Let me know if the jokes bother you........

From: "Agnieszka" <agiecreed@GO2.PL>
Date: Sun
8 Jul 2001 12:50:51 +0200

Telling the truth I didn't listen to Creed cds in a while and there was even the time that I thought it was all over. But yesterday, when I was feeling totally "down" (but I love to laugh too in genral), I needed to put "MOP" and I was "back on track" if I can put it that way and...but it's not what I was gonna to talk about. I mean I enjoyed the list so much, because of the people here, you're my best internet friends here (some more,some less of course) not only because you share my love for Creed or for music in general, but you're great people, like family and we can easily talk about anything, if we have a problem or want to share our happiness or to laugh - we go here...
Oh, btw.I am" a very lonely,boring,sad,obsessed, pathetic",etc. person sometimes too,even though I do not want to write and read about Creed all the time, lol. Just like everyone. But I liked your post Rachel, especially the part about laughter.
----- Original Message -----
From: Moonchild119@AOL.COM
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 1:34 AM
Subject: Re: Let me know if the jokes bother you........

Personally, I love to laugh.  Laughter is the language of the soul, along
with love. But hey, if you don't like to laugh, then thats you.  like I've
said before, anybody out there who wants this list to be PURELY about Creed
must have a brain the size of a peanut.  I mean who spends all their  time
reading and writing about Creed? Probably a very lonely,boring,sad,obsessed,
pathetic, pitiful, person, with no life.  No attack meant here, but hey, if
the shoe fits...=)
                              Rachel aka Moonchild