================================================ Subject: Re: NCR Re: JUST WONDERING for jon mua ha ha ha ha ha!!!! From: "]\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[" To: Date: Wed 27 Jun 2001 03:19:22 -0400 ================================================ Yep... if the foot didn't still feel sore from the camera, I might have my boots on... nice big steel-toed ones... then I might be shaking in them... but until then I guess we'll just have to put up with me suffering from a lack of shaking-in-the-boots... oh well... I think that the last time I "shook in my boots" was at a fire a couple years ago... managed to get rather soaked, and the turnout gear was getting nice and heavy... those things are great at holding out heat... but ya get cold water on them in the winter, and it's DAMN cold... managed to get a slight case of hypo at that call... there was some "shaking" then... but that's about it. ¤]\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[¤ http://NightStorm.isyourgod.com/ NightStorm_Draco_@hotmail.com NightStorm_Draco@creedlist.com NightStorm@isyourgod.com I've seen the wicked fruit of your vine, Destroy the man who lacks a strong mind Human pride sings a vengeful song Inspired by the times you've been walked on My stage is shared by many millions, Who lift their hands up high because they feel this We are one We are strong, The more you hold us down the more we press on What if you did? What if you lied? What if I avenge? What if eye for an eye? ----- Original Message ----- From: Lee Reed To: Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 12:51 AM Subject: Re: NCR Re: JUST WONDERING for jon, mua ha ha ha ha ha!!!! > puh-leez!! > > ~Michele > > > > > gee, if i was nightstorm, i'd be shaking in my boots, wouldn't you?;) > Lee To unsubscribe or change your preferences for the Creed-Discuss list, visit: http://www.winduplist.com/ls/discuss/form.asp