Re: NCR - A great way for bands to give fans incentives to buy instead of download music

From: "Jon" <jsedwards25@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Thu
21 Jun 2001 12:48:18 -0700

Hello Nikki,
In theory, you're absolutely right -- music *should* be about sharing your vision and passion with people and finding a common thread to unite people of various opinions and walks of life together.  However, I'd relate it to upper level management in a company.  They work hard while they're at the bottom, wanting to change the world when they reach a position of power or influence.  When they finally claw themselves up to a position of power or authority, they forget why they started the climb in the first place and the vicious cycle continues.  It becomes about the money.
Sort of a change of subject -- where does Creed stand on the idea of people downloading their songs on MP3?  I wasn't here for that conversation.

----- Original Message -----
From: Nikki Rau
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: NCR - A great way for bands to give fans incentives to buy instead of download music

I'm not saying that Metallica's music isn't good anymore, that hasn't changed. I just don't like their attitudes about the whole thing.  Music isn't about the money, its about getting it out to everybody. If I was an artist, it would make me happy that my music was out there for people to download, it will bring new fans that will go out and buy the I said before I am a  downloading fool, but I go for the unreleased, hard to find stuff, imports, acoustics, etc. And I love cd's way too much, I will always buy them. 
