NCR: Virtuality is all over me

From: "fmn" <fmniganmu@ALPHA.LINKSERVE.COM>
Date: Wed
13 Jun 2001 21:40:52 -0700

Hey Jim and everyone!
recently I just can't stop thinking about this, I mean: virtuality
I just think about it constantly, like what effects does it have on our real lives, and how it will evolve in the future etc.
and I still insist on the psychological standpoint here, I mean come on, you've got to admit that many people use the internet as their psycho-therapy (sort of). Why would all of those ppl post so many personal things on the web? (like me.. hehe ;-) I would answer to that: because I feel nobody understands, and the "web" consists of millions of ppl, some of whom maybe could understand - or that's what I (along with many others, I guess) hope for. And they even said that on Clickonline (a BBC program), where they talked about ppl who use the net as their diary - this does definitely fit to my theory, doesn't it?
+ I also wonder about virtuality and how it changes us, as in our characters - I mean, if you met me in real life, you'd probably expect an open person - which I'm the total opposite of. So there's also a certain openness ppl gain in the net knowing they're anonymous (sorta.. I mean, there's always Big Brother, hehe.. who knows).
I just think that when we "virtually" meet - it's more of our thoughts that actually meet, than our personalities - cause... that's just the way I see it. And I think so on the basis of my everyday observations, like when you write a letter to somebody, that somebody appears to be a bit different from what you know of him/her. So it's actually not a new phenomenon. It just became more frequent now that we have the convenient technology: I mean the e-mail, of course.
please, please, please ppl tell me I'm not the only one who came across these thoughts!
And (I just remembered sth) I also think that ppl like sending e-mails to (well let me just say it straightforwardly here) strangers because of the thrill of it - the unknown, it's a bit like sending a message in a bottle, just in the futuristic version.
Most ppl don't really reflect on this issue - but I think it's a very important one.
So, sending a "virtual" dobranoc to you Jim
PS. what was the "huh" all about? I didn't want to impose myself onto others, sorry if it indeed seemed this way, I understand, I'd probably react the same way, sorry again
"How can I ever come to terms
with the virtuality of this world
that evolves in the reflections
of everything I see
in my distracted soul?"