Re: Behind the music

From: "Tara" <tknapp@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Mon
28 May 2001 11:03:59 -0400

Behind the music
Sure, if I can find some way of making a copy... probably could just rent a second VCR and copy it to a second tape... assuming I could figure out how to do that... lol
***Tara's "Hey, let's see how many people I can tick off because Scott dared me to put these on here" signature lines.***
*'Hey look! It's the two symbols of the Republican Party - an elephant; and big, fat, sweaty guy who's afraid of change.'*
*Jesus loves you. Then again, so does Barney.*
*Join the Army. Meet interesting people. Kill them.*
----- Original Message -----
From: DebbiR
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 5:04 PM
Subject: Behind the music

Ok, so I bought a video capture thingy today and a really uber expensive piece of software that promises me that I can make compressed video files from vhs.  So if the gods are smiling on me, we'll have a computer-compatible version of this soon. 

Tara & Scott, if this works, can I get a copy of them at AMA to transfer?
