Falling behind

From: "fmn" <fmniganmu@ALPHA.LINKSERVE.COM>
Date: Mon
21 May 2001 22:16:29 -0700

hey people!
I just wanted to let you know that I'm falling behind my schedule of responding to your messages - which doesn't mean that I won't answer them.. It's just that I need more time to do that decently, as in: long enough to convince you of my own views.. hehe.. just being plainly egocentric as usual.. ;-)
so, please don't think I'm forgetting you, the message WILL come.. some day
Hey Agnieszka! Thanks for welcoming me to the list! I'll most certainly e-mail you - how did you get to know Creed btw? I heard the song "What's this life for" and it had such a powerful impact on me that I became a die hard Creed fan - I mostly just clinged to their philosophy/ attitude/ creed (however you want to name it) and haven't let go of it once. For me the most important thing is what Creed represents - and it's all positive (no matter what bad image people try to create for the band)
trzymaj sie, milo mi cie poznac
greetings out of the space of my own credo