Lost faith 1

From: "fmn" <fmniganmu@ALPHA.LINKSERVE.COM>
Date: Sat
19 May 2001 19:49:33 -0700

Hey guys!
Since I'm into philosophy and religion I couldn't help myself not participating in this discussion ;-) First of all I agree with Jackson (or at least with this one statement of his) that losing your faith as in questioning it is healthy but (this is what I add) under one condition: if you're doubting your beliefs out of sincere concern for your spirit. What I mean by that is: there are also people who lose their faith because it is too heavy a burden for them to carry. This is what people sometimes forget: religion is something to feed our spirit but it also demands a sarcrifice from our part. So when questioning your beliefs ask yourself for what sake you question them. If it's just because they interfere with your comfort, then maybe you're on the wrong track... (to be continued)