list philosopher (?) - 2

From: "fmn" <fmniganmu@ALPHA.LINKSERVE.COM>
Date: Thu
17 May 2001 23:13:42 -0700

yeah, I know that the A-answer to that question is: live a good life, help others and make the world a better place to live in, but I guess it's because of the fact that this answer has become a slogan of some kind that I partly refuse this answer - "refuse it" as in "am not fully satisfied with it"... it just seems so simple - although I am aware of the fact that the simplest is most of the time the greatest and the deepest etc... that's why I sometimes wonder if my being so sceptical in trying to find some supposedly more sophisticated answers to questions that have already been answered in one way or the other (perhaps even by myself without my being aware of it, or not wanting to be aware of it) has got any sense at all.. but then again, I do agree with what you said somewhere on the list that being sceptical about for instance religion (which provides us with most of the answers to existential questions) is fully justified and shows how deep a person really is.. I mean, you can't just take things as they are or seem to be or are supposed to be (in eyes of some institutions - for example: the Church).. you have to question them even for the sake of approving of them in the end.. you have to be careful with what the world is offering you and, as Creed says /here's my Creed "Related'ness" by the way ;-)/ look for answers lying in you ..
as usual my thoughts are not structured or at least stream-of-consciousness kinda structured which brings it no closer to "structure" anyway..hehe but I guess that's just my way of putting things... (the only problem is that I forget what I initially wanted to say and wander off onto other subjects..hehe)
sooooo... what do you say Mr. Seeker?? philosophical enough for you? ;-)
about my being "unique" I wrote about in my first mail - yeah, you're 100% right, everyone is unique - that was just me trying to overvaluate myself, I guess.. I do that quite often and condamn myself for it later (but does it make the sin of selfishness go away
This Corvist Association - how "real" is it?... I mean: what are the quotation marks for if it actually is real?
so, you're an atheist.. I thought I'd send you this quotation:
"Sometimes the devil tempts me to believe in God" - Lec
cool, huh? don't you just have to agree? at least, I do..
well, gotta go to sleep (there's a 6h time difference if ya happened to forget)
so, dobranoc/ good night/ gute Nacht/ bonne nuit
hope to hear from you soon, and if anyone else wants to comment on my philosophical talk, feel free to do so
nighty night