Ewa, Jak
się miewasz?
This is cool as hell, yeah, I tend to look at the transcendental type stuff
myself, being as I used to style myself "list philosopher" - but then several
individuals shot that down too. So don't go trying to claim that title, or
you'll have bitter contest from me!
Oh, definitely, everyone here is unique, I can't deny that whatsoever. There are
some great people here, you'll probably like it. Though we always tend to get in
to subjects that employ a sort of "minority vs. majority" aspect, at least
philosophically. And logic, yes, there are about seven people here with logic to
spare, of which you should take note.
I appreciate being singled out here, perhaps I am beginning to be a force on
this list of sorts (I like to think so anyway). Yes, the Corvist Association for
the Preservation and Perpetuation of Free Will is a "real" organization,
there's another member on the list as a matter of fact. If you want more
information our website is at -
you're even welcome to join if you'd like. But no, I don't have a drop of Polish
blood in me, nor have I ever been there, but I pick up languages rather quickly.
I've been learning Polish from a friend of mine in Szczecin, Agnieszka, who is
also on this list, but has temporarily left because of computer
complications . You may notice that as a
sort of Polish "legacy", I use Odp: instead of Re: whenever I reply to
a reply.
I will tell you, if you want some reasonably intelligent, deeply-thought
responses to your comments, my buddies and I around here can sure provide 'em!
Unfortunately most of the real discussion lately has been conflict betwixt
groups of varying religious faith (and lack thereof). This resulted in my coming
home to about 25 messages full of "burn the atheist" type nonsense, which is
what prompted yesterday's er...polite...request
Anyway, do widzenia till next time,
and welcome to the list!
Jackson Wade Crawford - The Raven of Texas/ Corvvs
Texanis/ Kruk Teksasu
International Director, Corvist Association for the
Preservation and Perpetuation of Free Will