================================================ Subject: Re: Kill Good to please good? From: "Creed - 7M3 - Live" To: Date: Wed 9 May 2001 19:42:44 -0400 ================================================ I'm not referring to God as an evil being. I was and am just curious to the issue of sacrificing a perfect unblemished animal in the Jewish faith to a God to please a loving God. Plus the continuation of the tradition in the execution of Jesus Christ. I was not saying that God per se. Just the tradition of killing innocence to appease another. Be it a Satanist with killing babies. A superstitious people throwing a young and not sexually experienced girl into a volcano to appease a God. I was just wondering why man chooses to use the destruction of good to promote what is good in thier eyes. I personally belief in promoting good and stopping evil. Though I will not give my will to any religion or philosophy that chooses to do so. To all that are Christian and believe in all that is said about it. I DO NOT want to change any of your faiths. Believe what you believe. But see if you can give me an answer to that question. JC >> >> >> I don't think all Christian people have the same idea on that one... >> I Believe in one God the Father, maker of this world, And I don't think >> that my God is Evil.. For the people killing in the name of faith... >> Are >> Crazy!!! Period... That's all for me... for now.. > > > -- Alliance, n.: In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary" To unsubscribe or change your preferences for the Creed-Discuss list, visit: http://www.winduplist.com/ls/discuss/form.asp