Re: MoOnChiLdsresponse Re: RELIGION

From: "Lee Reed" <creedyrn@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Tue
1 May 2001 01:00:12 -0400

hey marcy...welcome to the late posters club!LOL
(who posts late all the time, and ends up apologizing too...lisa's got her son's blanket that we all use to hide under from time to time...i'm surprised the poor kid lets us use it...i think we spend more time with it than him!)

----- Original Message -----
From: marcy.a.bailey@CENSUS.GOV
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: MoOnChiLdsresponse Re: RELIGION

Please let me apologize....I'm just now getting over half the emails that
were posted to the list - and now I know why she was talking about her
religion.  I am sorry, it was an honest mistake!  Oversights - UGH!!!!!

----- Forwarded by Marcy A Bailey/FLD/HQ/BOC on 04/30/01 01:25 PM -----

                    Marcy A Bailey
                                         To:     Moonchild119@AOL.COM
                    04/30/01 10:32       cc:     CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM
                    AM                   Subject:     Re: MoOnChiLdsresponse Re: RELIGION(Document link: Marcy A

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